9th of may post, didnt work on the 9th of may…

people on public transport.


soooooo scary when i saw this one on the pc afterwards. HIS EYE IS OPEN. *que music from psycho*


fun times. i made her skull a drink and then she tipped vodka on my jeans.


went to parties. this is james. he’s going to new york to do things.


the bathroom was very cool. and got progressively cooler. figures…




new friends.


didnt have the situation to switch to the 35… 50mm works i think.


yay for this girl!!



peace out whatevers.


~ by zenhead on May 17, 2007.

11 Responses to “9th of may post, didnt work on the 9th of may…”

  1. I hope the vodka dried out quickly mate!

  2. Did you have a suitable photo for my e-girlfriend yet?

  3. Is there a way I can get an RSS feed to your site?

  4. Hey, I couldn’t find a contact link so apologies for using this medium to substitute. I was wondering, do you mind my using one of your photos to accompany a blog entry? It’s been substantially resized and you’ve been fully credited. 🙂 However, if you would like its exhibit to be discontinued, notify me and I’ll remove it immediately. In any regard, you have a great eye for the moment!

  5. ooooo! loved this post. great shots.

  6. Wonderful shots. You are really creative in this. I really enjoy it!

  7. Beautiful photos. You have inspired me to get out and take some photos of Melbourne today. 🙂

  8. 1 п. “Не имей сто друзей, а имей сто шекелей” тоже хорошо рифмуется 🙂
    8 п. Ты никогда не потеряешь работу. Когда закончатся фотографии можно размещать рисунки (да хоть бы и конкурс объявить на лучший рисунок Одри (-:), аппликации и фотографии поделок из пластилина…
    9 п. Сто пудов ! 🙂

  9. Просто замечательно – очень интересные мысли

  10. Весьма тонко подмечено. В чем-то даже себя узнал 🙂

  11. I’ll add another vote for conditional widgets — I currently hide my “recent posts” widget on the home page via CSS — but it’d be nice to not have it g Click http://d2.ae/hool090715

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